The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our Solar System.Its name “milky” is derived from its appearance as a dim glowing band arching across the night sky whose individual stars cannot be distinguished by the naked eye. The term “Milky Way” is a translation of the Latin via lactea, from the Greek γαλαξίας κύκλος (galaxías kýklos, “milky circle”).]From Earth, the Milky Way appears as a band because its disk-shaped structure is viewed from within. Galileo Galilei first resolved the band of light into individual stars with his telescope in 1610. Until the early 1920s, most astronomers thought that the Milky Way contained all the stars in the Universe. Following the 1920 Great Debate between the astronomers Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis,[observations by Edwin Hubble showed that the Milky Way is just one of many galaxies. Subsequent sensitive observations such as the Hubble telescope’s Ultra Deep Field revealed a myriad of faint galaxies, which led to an estimate that the observable universe contained about 200 billion galaxies.images-1A 2016 study estimated that the observable universe contained ten times that number or 2 trillion galaxies.

Real Madrid

Real Madrid španjolsko je športsko društvo, uz Barcelonom najznačajnije u državi, te jedno od najvećih i najpoznatijih u svijetu. Sjedište mu je smješteno u glavnom gradu Španjolske, Madridu. Službeno je osnovan 1902. pod imenom Madrid CF. Wikipedia

Top 5 Most Popular Football Clubs

#1.Manchester United

Social Media: 75 million followers (68m facebook, 7m twitter)
Tv Viewership: 52 per cent of the Premier League’s entire global TV audiance (premier league averages 3.5 to 4 billion global views a season)
Shirt sales: averaged 1.2 t0 1.6 million a year (last 5 years)
Sponsorship deal: Most expensive kit deal with adidas £75m a year, most lucrative sponsorship deal with Chevrolet £53m a year and countless other international deals around the world.

#2.Real Madrid

social Media Followers: 100 million followers (87m facebook, 18m twitter)
Tv Viewership: dominates spanish league tv viewing alongside Barcelona.
Shirt sales: average around 1 million a year
Sponsorship deal: Adidas £34m a year, FlyEmirates £20m a year and number of other sponsorship deal.

#3.FC Barcelona

Social Media Followers: 100 million followers (87m facebook, 18m twitter)
Tv Viewership: Barcelona had independent tv around the world (about to change as La Liga passed collective tv deal bill)
Shirt sales: Sold 121,500 shirts in 2015
Sponsorship deal: Nike £28m a year, QatarAirways £27m a year and number of other sponsorship deal.


Social Media Following: 50 million (Facebook & Twitter)
Shirt sales: Sold 900,000 shirts in 2015
Sponsorship deal: Adidas £30m a year, Yokohama Tyres £40m a year, other number of russian and asian sponsorship deals


Social Media presence: 41.5 million (Facebook & Twitter)
Tv Viewership: around 29 million a season (in uk only)
Shirt sales: Sold 850,000 shirts in 2015
Sponsorship deal: Puma £30m a year, FlyEmirates £30m a year (including stadium naming rights)



Football is a family of team sports that involve, to varying degrees, kicking a ball with the foot to score a goal. Unqualified, the word football is understood to refer to whichever form of football is the most popular in the regional context in which the word appears. Sports commonly called ‘football’ in certain places include: association football (known as soccer in some countries); gridiron football (specifically American football or Canadian football); Australian rules football; rugby football (either rugby league or rugby union); and Gaelic football.These different variations of football are known as football codes.

Various forms of football can be identified in history, often as popular peasant games. Contemporary codes of football can be traced back to the codification of these games at English public schools during the nineteenth century.The expanse of the British Empire allowed these rules of football to spread to areas of British influence outside of the directly controlled Empire.By the end of the nineteenth century, distinct regional codes were already developing: Gaelic football, for example, deliberately incorporated the rules of local traditional football games in order to maintain their heritage.In 1888, The Football League was founded in England, becoming the first of many professional football competitions. ilarge-1


Gimnastika je sport koji uključuje serije pokreta koji zahtijevaju fizičku snagu, pokretljivost i osjećaj za tijelo u prostoru. Razvijena je na tradiciji vojnih vježbi iz doba stare Grčke te dijelom na tradiciji cirkuskih predstava. Općenito se smatra opasnim sportom, jer teški akrobatski elementi često uključuju izvođenje različitih pokreta visoko iznad tla uz rizik ozljede vježbača ili vježbačice.opća gimnastika, koja se još naziva grupna gimnastika, omogućava bavljenje gimnastikom vježbačima svih dobi oba spola koji vježbaju u skupinama različitog broja vježbača. Prakticira se u nastavi tjelesnog odgoja u školama, na grupnim prezentacijama i sletovima, na natjecanjima, itd.

Krvava bajka

Било је то у некој земљи сељака
на брдовитом Балкану,
умрла је мученичком смрћу
чета ђака
у једном дану.
Исте су године
сви били рођени,
исто су им текли школски дани,
на исте свечаности
заједно су вођени,
од истих болести сви пелцовани
и сви умрли у истом дану.
Било је то у некој земљи сељака
на брдовитом Балкану
умрла је јуначком смрћу
чета ђака
у истом дану.
А педесет и пет минута
пре смртног трена
седела је у ђачкој клупи
чета малена
и исте задатке тешке
решавала: колико може
путник ако иде пешке…
и тако редом.
Мисли су им биле пуне
истих бројки
и по свескама у школској торби
бесмислених лежало је безброј
петица и двојки.
Прегршт истих снова
и истих тајни
родољубивих и љубавних
стискали су у дну џепова.
И чинило се сваком
да ће дуго
да ће врло дуго
трчати испод свода плава
док све задатке на свету
не посвршава.
Било је то у некој земљи сељака
на брдовитом Балкану
умрла је јуначком смрћу
чета ђака
у истом дану.
Дечака редови цели
узели се за руке
и са школског задњег часа
на стрељање пошли мирно
као да смрт није ништа.
Другова редови цели
истог часа се узнели
до вечног боравишта.


Hrvatski naziv za Halloween je Noć vještica, a nastao je zbog toga što su se, prema vjerovanju, na paganski sabat Samhain, u noći između 31. listopada i 1. studenoga, okupljale vještice na crni sabat. Engleski izvornik Halloween označava večer prije Dana svih svetih (All Hallows’ Eve).

Noć vještica ili Halloween (Hallowe’en) je noć uoči Svih svetih, 31. listopada, a zapravo je skraćenica od All Hallows’ Eve ili Hallow Eve (Sveta večer, noć uoči Svih Svetih). Slavi se prije svega u Irskoj, SAD-u, Kanadi, Puerto Ricou, Australiji i Novom Zelandu. Premda je Halloween skraćeni oblik od arhaičnog engleskog imena za blagdan Svih svetih All-Hallow-even, All Hallows’ Eve, Noć vještica je poganski blagdan izravno suprotstavljen katoličkom blagdanu Svih svetih.[1]